Senior staff software engineer.
Level details:rG5
- Time scope: 3–6 months.
- Complexity scope: Complex work across multiple teams & domains. High impact work. Finds & solves areas for improvement.
- Risk management: Manages risk while working with other teams.
- Domain expertise: Company leader in domain.
- Big picture: Turns strategy to action with company leadership.
- Influence: 15–50 among peer teams.
- Supervision: Provides direction in large or multiple teams. Requires infrequent oversight.
- Communication: Known for written and verbal technical communication. Actively teaches others.
- Team contributions: History of mentorship, collaboration, leadership, recruiting. Improves team efficiency & trains others in engineering culture.
- Evaluation: Manager & director.
Aria Beingessner (@Gankra), Twitter post, September 30, 2018, <>. (See notes.)