Staff engineer level description.
Level details:rG5
- Time scope: 2–3 months.
- Complexity scope: Large & complex tasks spanning the system. Turn significant ambiguity & upcoming needs into clear tasks.
- Risk management: Manage risk for team projects & objectives, especially by establishing the sequence of deliverables.
- Domain expertise: Expert in domain, moving toward architecture and system thinking.
- Big picture: Prioritization & solution input to product strategy.
- Influence: Team, 5–15 people.
- Supervision: Lead team in delivery over 2–3 month timelines.
- Communication: Proactively give input to improve others’ work. Share the technical achievements of team to a larger audience.
- Team contributions: Technical lead. Mentor others into new responsibilities. Build consensus with team and management about team direction.
- Evaluation: Manager & director.
Aria Beingessner (@Gankra), Twitter post, September 30, 2018, <>. (See notes.)