Ways of speaking to improve executive presence.
Several particulars to mind:rR11
- Use active verbs, avoid passive verbs. Take accountability.
- Similarly, avoid adverbs.
- Don’t stress about filler words—focusing on connection with audience should naturally reduce them anyway.
- Be concise. Relatedly, don’t ramble—increases surface area for saying something dumb, which is likely because rambling may come from a failure to understand the topic well enough to be concise.rS13
“A Practical Guide to Executive Presence,” May 27, 2023, https://staysaasy.com/leadership/2023/05/27/executive-presence.html. (See notes.)
Jade Rubick, “Executive Presence Coaching – Use These Tips to Become a Better Leader,” February 7, 2022, https://www.rubick.com/executive-presence-coaching/. (See notes.)